
Featured Projects

Quicker, Easier, Simpler.

Quealea Control

Working together with the MofA and Commercial Farmers our AGRAS crop spraying drones were able to effectively control quealea bird outbreaks and crop damage during the 2020/2021 season.

Large Scale Commercial Farmers

To test the effectiveness of our AGRAS drones, we launched spraying operations in 2021 with the large scale commercial farmers in Pandamatenga and in the Tuli Block. The results have been excellent so far and our customers have seen chemical savings, water savings and very effective weed, pest and disease control.

Small Scale Farmer Demos

In conjunction with MoA Extension Officers and Crop Production Officers we have held successful drone demonstrations at farming clusters around the country demonstrating drones and educating small scale farmers about the benefits of implementing effective spray programs and integrated pest management strategies. 

We believe that drone technology will have massive benefits at this level of farming and further ensure food security for all Batswana.

Locust Surveillance & Control

In conjunction with the FAO and MoA our drones began trials during the 2022 locust season to assess the effectiveness of using drones for locust surveillance in Botswana. We continue to work with these organisations to provide locust surveillance and control services with our agricultural drones.

25Ha farm for sale – Gaborone.

We were approached by a client who wanted a better idea of a piece of farm land he was looking to purchase. We carried out a full aerial topographical survey of the farm in under 20 minutes. We then provided digital maps and surface models of the farm indicating vegetation masses, soil types, drainage lines and contours that enabled the client to make a better informed decision about his purchase.

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